First For Feet

Need a Chiropodist/ Podiatry in Dublin? Get in contact with our Dublin Podiatry Clinic.

Need a Chiropodist/ Podiatry in Dublin? Get in contact with our Dublin Podiatry Clinic.

Mobile Chiropody

Need a Sports Injury Treatment in Dublin? Get in contact with our Dublin Podiatry Clinic.

Sports Injuries

Helping You Run Again Injury Free


For the best in modern, Wart & Verruca Treatments in Dublin, please contact First For Feet today.

Wart and Verruca Treatment

For the best in modern, Walk 3D in Dublin, please contact First For Feet today.

Walk 3D

For additional information on our treatment plans, get in contact with our Dublin podiatry/chiropody clinic today.

Conditions Treated

First For Feet

First For Feet is a podiatry clinic in Dublin. For over a decade, our expert Dublin podiatrist has been offering clients the very latest podiatrist/chiropodist treatments and diagnosis.

Our Dublin Podiatry clinic is fitted with the very latest technique, ensuring all our clients get the best lower limb treatment possible.

Some of the lower limb conditions we diagnosis and treat include:

  • Plantar fasciitis/Heel pain

  • Flat feet

  • Achilles tendonitis

  • Wart & verruca treatment

  • Bunions

  • Hammer-toe

  • Tibialis posterior tendonitis

  • Intoeing for children

  • Pain on ball of foot

  • Midfoot pain

  • Ankle pain

Our Podiatry/Chiropody Services are Available in:

  • Howth

  • Portmanock

  • Malahide

  • Sutton

  • Clontarf

  • Fairview

  • North Dublin

To schedule an appointment in our Dublin Podiatry clinic,

Get in contact with First For Feet today.

About First For Feet

  • Nearly 30 years of experience in treating lower limb conditions

  • Our expert Podiatrist has been a consultant on nationwide projects aimed at raising awareness on lower limb conditions

  • A national award winner

  • Our Principal Podiatrist was instrumental in setting up a North Dublin chiropody community service


1st For Feet

Biomechanical Assessment

Biomechanical Assessment evaluations and analyses the function of the lower limbs. First For Feet’s Biomechanical Assessment identifies abnormalities in movement or posture that may be causing discomfort, pain or injuries.



First For Feet's podiatry clinic offers a wide range of chiropody treatments. The conditions we treat include foot pain treatments, heel pain treatments, hard skin removal, etc.

Diabetic Foot Health

Diabetic Foot Health

Our Dublin podiatry/chiropody clinic offers clients a comprehensive range of lower limb treatments and tests for diabetic patients. We offer nerve testing, vascular assessments, ulcer prevention treatments, etc.

Wart & Verruca Treatment

Wart & Verruca Treatment

Verrutop is a painless professional wart and verruca treatment with quick and effective results. With visible results from the first application.

Sport Injuries

Sport Injuries

Our Dublin podiatrist has extensive experience with athletes and amateurs suffering from a sporting injury. We work in assessing and curing lower limb pain, heel pain, general toe pain, etc.

Conditions Treated

Conditions Treated

We have extensive experience in treating a full range of conditions that affect the foot and lower limbs. We treat Plantar fasciitis/Heel pain, flat feet, Achilles tendonitis, Bunions, Hammertoe, etc.

Mobile Chiropody Services

Mobile Podiatry/Chiropody Services

First For Feet offer a mobile podiatry/chiropody clinic that is available to visit nursing homes, hospitals, care homes, schools and any other facility where individuals require the services of our expert podiatry/chiropody.



Running is not as simple an action as you might first believe. It requires the musculoskeletal and nervous systems to work together to propel you forwards and in biomechanical terms, putting one foot in front of the other at speed is rather complicated.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a Podiatrist/Chiropodist Do?

    A podiatrist is a healthcare professional, who’s concerned with conditions and diseases that affect the feet and lower limbs.

  • Are Podiatry and Chiropody services covered by the medical card?

    Medical cardholders who are over the age of 65, diabetes patients, and individuals with disabilities can apply for a chiropody treatment card.

  • Does First For Feet accept the Chiropody Treatment Card?

    Yes, we accept the Chiropody Treatment Card. For more information please call our offices today.